Meet The Chef...
I started making this drink in 2008, when I was diagnosed with having a cancerous lump in my left breast. I was blessed to have the surgery called the "Lumpectomy."
They retrieved a golf ball size of a mass and in the center of the mass was an English pea size of a cancerous lump. You can read my blog entitled, "An English Pea Can Kill You." I had 5 days (twice a day) of radiation. I thought I was going to die right then. I was blessed. I had already started what I call the Leviticus Diet in 2004, based on what His Holy word says is a "clean" vs. "unclean" diet. I gave up Pork and Scavenger Fish. Bro. Jordan Ruben one of the TBN Broadcasters, Dr. Steve Broer, and another group Whom I think are called the Bible Dieters are teaching people to do the same thing. Also, I gave up Beef as a daily or weekly consumption in 2006. I had my first Organic Steakburger in September 2008, and I hope to enjoy some beef products in July 2009. In all honesty, I had alternated my culinary treats such as beef, chocolate, donuts/ sweets every 6 months. I have been successful so far and chocolate is the only thing that I have had maybe a couple of times between March 2009 and 2012. Currently, in 2020 I eat processed treats sometimes but not all of the time. I believe that if I stretch this "Clean Diet," then if I splurge occasionally, I will not throw my body into shock from the overindulgence. I guess you say to yourself-when am I going to stop, however, I gave up soda, coffee, and substitute sugars the same month that I was diagnosed for more than a year. I went to my Endocrinologist team of doctors at the Barnes-Jewish-Children's Hospital(BJC) and I had my Mammography of both breasts and they were free of cancer and lumps. Smile. Whereas the American Cancer Society is not at liberty to state how our culinary diet is playing a vital role in turning our cells against us there are so many emails over the internet starting with the American Cancer Society that warns us to watch the high-fat diets, stress, caffeine, cigarettes, and the overindulgence of alcohol, that it would be foolish to wander around in a world trying to figure out a solution when the real skinny can be found in the Holy Scriptures. Enjoy!!!

Under The Anointing, www.kippyandvalval.wixsite.com/education and www.kippyandvalval.wixsite,com/fosfce are all under the seal HolyGhostInspired since 1994.



Remember, Our Children Depend On Our Health...

Chef Val-Val At Your Service
TeL. 314-3283100 | Email: pastorvalvaluta@yahoo.com
Tell me a little about your event so I can begin the creation process
What Seasonings will yield a decreased desire for seconds? Use your mind. Smile.
Now pods of peas you can enjoy, once rinsed and pulsated into a dressing. See!
This hot skillet choice of pasta will probably satisfy you better if you roast your vegetables. Hmm!
Now this Chickpea combination is Right On!!!